A Special Martin's Corner Obituary: "Floppy" You will be missed
July 29, 2010 | Corvalent
The loss of a dear and trusted technology friend.
Martin's Look at Processor Cooling
June 29, 2010 | Corvalent
Hello, all! Martin here and welcome to our most recent edition of Martin's Corner. It's been quite a while since I last made an update, since that time we have completed our move to the Austin, TX area. And everyone has taken the time to get settled into ...
Corvalent Announces Three Powerful New Motherboards: Now Supporting Intel® i7, i5, i3, and Xeon Processors
June 16, 2010 | Corvalent
CEDAR PARK, TX — June 16, 2010 — Corvalent Announces Three Powerful New Long Life Cycle Motherboards.
Corvalent Moves Into Turnkey Product Development and Manufacturing Services
March 23, 2010 | Corvalent
CEDAR PARK, TX — March 23, 2010 — Corvalent Adds Turnkey Product Development and Manufacturing Services.
Corvalent announces new compact embedded system: The CorBrick 945 MIT Compact size, low noise, yet powerful system
March 2, 2010 | Corvalent
CEDAR PARK, TX — March 2, 2010 — Corvalent has announced the CorBrick 945MIT as ready for sale.
Martin's Look at Microsoft OS Support
February 28, 2010 | Corvalent
Hello, all! Martin here and welcome to the February edition of Martin’s Corner! This month I wanted to touch on Microsoft Operating Systems.