Corvalent Blog

Navigating Supply Chain Challenges in the Semiconductor Market

Written by Corvalent | Aug 28, 2024 10:36:11 PM


We want to share some important news about the current situation in the IC chip market. Right now, there are big challenges affecting all high-tech manufacturers, and this can change production schedules. We all need to plan ahead and be ready for the reality of the semiconductor market.

As we progress through 2025, businesses in the semiconductor industry are facing unprecedented supply chain challenges. The complexities of the market, particularly regarding integrated circuits (ICs), pose significant risks to procurement and manufacturing operations. This memo outlines these challenges and offers strategic recommendations to help your organization navigate these issues effectively.

Our goal is to support you through these times and make sure we deliver the best service and products. Let’s communicate clearly and continue to work as a team to turn these challenges into successes. As always, our commitment is unwavering as we strive to support you through these complex times, ensuring that we maintain the highest levels of service and product delivery. Let us continue to collaborate closely, transforming challenges into avenues for growth and achieving our mutual success. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the IC chip situation.

Current Challenges

  1. Extended Lead Times and Allocation Issues

Recent trends indicate that lead times for various semiconductor components have soared beyond 25 weeks, primarily due to the increased demand for automotive-grade multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) used in AI applications. The rising demand coupled with limited supply creates a volatile environment where timely product delivery becomes increasingly difficult.

  1. Dependence on Limited Suppliers

Many manufacturers are reliant on a small group of suppliers, which amplifies risk. Companies like Texas Instruments and Maxim are facing constraints that require a diversified supplier base. Relying on just a few sources can lead to severe production delays if those suppliers are unable to meet demand.

  1. Increased Material Costs

The prices of raw materials are fluctuating, adding another layer of complexity to procurement strategies. This has been exacerbated by geopolitical factors and market instability that influence supply dynamics.

  1. End-of-Life Announcements

Recent announcements from major manufacturers like Microchip and Renesas regarding the phase-out of specific products mean that companies need to adapt quickly. This scenario can lead to increased costs if firms are unable to transition to alternative components efficiently.

Strategic Recommendations

To mitigate these challenges, your procurement and production teams must consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Diversify Supplier Relationships

Establish relationships with a broader range of suppliers to alleviate the risks associated with a limited source pool. This strategy not only ensures a steadier flow of materials but also positions your company favorably during high-demand periods or shortages.

  1. Adopt a Just-in-Case Inventory Strategy

Shift from a just-in-time inventory model to a just-in-case model. Holding higher inventory levels for critical components prepares your organization for unexpected supply disruptions. This strategy will enable your company to respond more swiftly to sudden increases in demand.

  1. Leverage Advanced Analytics and Demand Forecasting

Investing in robust analytical and demand forecasting tools can help your procurement teams anticipate market trends with greater accuracy. This insight allows for informed decision-making, ensuring timely and optimal procurement of necessary components.

  1. Enhance Collaboration with Internal Teams

Engage closely with engineering and production teams to align procurement strategies with actual production needs. Early involvement of these stakeholders will help identify upcoming requirements and facilitate the timely sourcing of essential parts.

  1. Establish Clear Communication with Manufacturers

Develop strong communication channels with component manufacturers regarding product life cycles and potential end-of-life announcements. Proactive discussions can help your teams plan more effectively and reduce the risk of stockouts.

  1. Evaluate Procurement Processes Regularly

Continuously assess and refine your procurement processes. Implement feedback mechanisms to learn from past challenges and improve response strategies. Foster a culture of agility within procurement operations to swiftly adapt to changing market conditions.


The semiconductor market in 2025 presents a formidable landscape with multiple challenges for manufacturers. However, by adopting proactive strategies and enhancing collaboration across teams, your organization can mitigate risks and maintain operational efficiency. We recommend that you urgently consider these strategies to secure your supply chain and ensure continuous production capacity.

In summary, consider this advice as you take a close look at your customers' business:

  • Review their historical performance, including peak and lean years.
  • Anticipate potential part shortages.
  • Encourage your clients to maintain a 10% stock reserve.
  • As a Corvalent customer, ensure you stock 10%.
  • Forecast and secure what you anticipate needing.
  • Be prepared for flexibility in orders.
  • Prepare your clients for long lead times.

Please feel free to reach out for further insights or assistance in implementing these strategies. Your ability to navigate these challenges will be vital in maintaining your competitive edge in this unpredictable environment.