Microsoft Windows 10 Update
| Martin Rudloff
In case you are not familiar with it or need a refresher, Corvalent offers Microsoft Windows 10/11 in several flavors, but always geared towards embedded applications. These products are called Windows 10/11 IoT Enterprise, and are currently offered in 2 “flavors”:
- Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC (Long Term Service Channel)
- Windows 10/11 IoT Enterprise SAC/GAC (General Availability Channel)
We typically recommend Windows 10 LTSC, which offers 10 years of stability and support, and allows you to stay on your build (changing builds requires additional cost). It provides full control on updates and receives ONLY security updates. This version has all the bells and whistles without the hard requirement of TPM support. Corvalent is still shipping the LTSC 2019 version, even a few LTSC 2016 stragglers, but we already offer the current Windows 1010 LTSC 2021, and will be offering Windows 11 LTSC when it is released around 2024.
Keep in mind that if you decide to upgrade to a newer version, you will have to pay for the new license. Your current license will cover you for the duration of your 10 year support cycle.
Windows SAC/GAC offers 18 to 30 months of support and forces you to move between builds (at no cost). It provides less control of updates and receives new features AND security updates. The current version is 21H2, and Microsoft expects to go to an annual release instead of the current semi-annual. Regardless of the SAC/GAC revision you choose, Windows update will bring it to the latest whether you like it or not!
Please call and discuss you needs with one of our guys!
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