'Tis the Season for COM Express!
| Corvalent
Happy Holidays from Martin's Corner!
I hope you are still getting some laughs from last month's installment. I am still cracking some of those jokes (when I can find the time).
With this season of giving I wanted to share with you a gift that my engineering department gave me and Corvalent this month. No, it’s not a new DeLorean or anything that cool, but our new COM Express module based on the Intel® 945 chipset and a new baseboard to place it on!
We are excited about rolling out this new technology and what this PICMG standard form factor means to the embedded computing industry. We see this new product as being applicable to Medical, Point of Sale, Military and Defense, Security and Surveillance, Automotive, Gaming, Oil and Gas Exploration, Industrial Computing, and Test and Measurement Equipment.
The main benefit as we see it is for a common platform. That is, a customer could theoretically build one baseboard and provide multiple configurations by simply changing the COM Express modules themselves on the baseboard. Thus, allowing them one common platform that can run the same software throughout their company, providing maximum flexibility and scalability, while reducing time to market and development costs.
This is all part of a standards-based modular computing philosophy that Corvalent subscribes to that provides our customers an optimum choice for their projects.
I look forward to speaking with you regarding an upcoming project and how Corvalent can assist you with COM Express. For more information on our COM Express products visit: http://www.corvalent.com/02b_ind_boards.shtml#com.
Happy Holidays,
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