Embracing the Promise of 3-D Graphics for Medical Design
| Corvalent
Sophisticated three-dimensional graphics are playing a growing role in healthcare, improving treatment options and clinical decision-making. But for many medical designers and OEMs, jumping to 3-D is unfamiliar territory – not only complex from a design perspective but also warranting an understanding of commercial graphics components as part of an embedded design strategy. Commercial components add a significant new wrinkle, and a greater focus on materials planning is crucial to ensure balance between peak performance and system availability, longevity, and consistency... (Read more in our article at MD&DI)
About the Author

Corvalent manufactures long-life, rugged computing systems at the heart of OEM systems and devices, including revision- and document-controlled industrial motherboards, single board computers and embedded controllers. Serving industrial customers since 1993, Corvalent offers custom materials planning and advisory services; real-time engineering to address any technology or platform; modification of COTS or standards-based solutions for unique, mission critical applications; and elite, white glove technical support.